[SEDXC] Recap of April 16, 2002 SEDXC Meeting
James R. Kauten, MD, W4TE
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 22:19:52 -0400
Recap of SEDXC Meeting April 16, 2002.
This was the third meeting at the new QTH (Fuqua Heart Center Classroom =
at Piedmont Hospital). For directions go to: =
http://www.peachtreecardio.net/sedxc_qth.htm. =20
There was a good turnout for dinner prior to the meeting. We ate at =
Panera Bread, which is several blocks North of Piedmont Hospital on =
Peachtree Road. =20
There were 24 attendees.
Items discussed/announcements were as follows:
1.. KH1 Dxpedition will be 4-30-2002 to 5-16-2002. If you wish to =
make a donation look at www.kragujevac.co.yu/kh1 for directions. If you =
feel the club should make a donation, make a motion at the next meeting.
2.. Web page is up thanks to Jim Worthington, AD4J. You can access it =
at www.sedxc.org. Check it out and send any ideas to sedxc@kauten.com. =
3.. Cluster report-KS4Q made a report that new tnc's are in service on =
Sawnee. There is work on improving the connection from ARCDX (W4UCK) =
and N4XMX.
4.. Remember the postal increase of $.03 as of 6-30-2002. You would =
be advised to put $0.37 postage on your SASE's stateside.
5.. Russia-Guy Shields, W4GBU gave a report on the Freedom Force of =
Atlanta. He was looking for hams to sponsor Russian hams for a week =
beginning May 31, 2002. All Russians are now sponsored. Many thanks.
Old Business:
New Business:
In lieu of the May meeting-Tuesday May 21, 2002 there will be a barbecue =
dinner at the home of W4TE (Jim Kauten). Spouses are invited and =
welcome. Come around 730 pm for a great time. Directions are located =
at: http://www.peachtreecardio.net/directions.htm. =20
There will be a per guest charge to cover the cost of the food. The =
exact amount is undetermined, probably around $12.50-15.00 per person =
for Barbecue, sides, drinks, cobbler, beer and wine. A notice will be =
going out shortly. Please RSVP then so orders can be made.
Bob Allphin, K4UEE and Wes Lamboley, W3WL gave an excellent presentation =
on their Dxpedition to VP8-South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands. If =
you were not there you missed an excellent overview. You will need to =
catch their next presentation at Dayton.
We hope to see more of you at the next meeting. There is plenty of =
Meeting adjourned at 2100.
See you next Month at the barbecue at my house on May 21, 2002 at 1930.
Jim Kauten, MD, W4TE
President SEDXC
James R. Kauten, MD, W4TE
ARRL Life Member
AMSAT Life Member
INDEXA Life Member
Southeastern DX Club Member
Buckhead Contest Club Life Member
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