[SEDXC] YA update

David L. Thompson thompson@mindspring.com
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 02:18:53 -0400

The YA5T operators are out of the country and return by early September.
Don't know about the
others (G/YA et al).  The YA5T page is down as is the log check program.
Hope this is not permanent.  I did work them on 12 for a new band country.

At one time YA was fairly easy to work.  I even worked YA1IW on 15 AM in
1959.  K4UTE went all over the country in the early 60's as YA1 to YA0UTE.
YA5RG was very active as the radio club much like HZ1AB.

73 Dave K4JRB