[SEDXC] 80 meter beam: the scoop from WA4PXP

David L. Thompson thompson@mindspring.com
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 01:19:13 -0500

The 1971 73 Magazine article on the 80 meter 3 el vertical beam was reported
by me last week.  Now Jim WA4PXP reports it was real and WORKED!!   Other
issues in 1971 had a long article on a large wire LP for 75, and a parabolic
HF antenna covering 10, 15, and 20.  These articles had enough construction
material to make a copy of you had the room and the time/money.

>From WA4PXP operator at W4AXE---------------------------

The 20 meter beam was a custom reinforced Telrex, 6 elements on a 46' boom.
The tower was on a small hill and as I remember was in the clear
facilitating rotation for about 300 degrees.  The boom extensions were about
15' each end for a total boom length of about 76 to 80'.  I can not offer
any info on the matching system.  You were right Doug worked on it for ever
before he finally got it to work.

Man did it work!  I know he worked a VU2 on 75 SSB back when VU had as I
remember one frequency to transmit, something like 3535??.  I also know he
had solid contacts many times with YK1AA.  I remember working deep Europe
early on 75( about 2130 Z) staying up with the W1 & 2's. Later in the
evening there many times we could run Europe on 3803 listening down.  In
those days to own 3803 was very tough.

The contact I remember best was during a ARRL WW SSB test.  Sunrise in
Florida about 1220Z and W6VSS(now K6UA) comes on with a sked with DU1FH,
they finish business and the entire world starts calling DU1FH. One call and
he was in the log. Five minutes later and the band was gone.

Doug also experimented with a Bobtail curtain.  This antenna was great into
Europe but had a very narrow beamwidth.

Man I miss that stuff.


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