[SEDXC] 160 plan
David L. Thompson
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 17:03:57 -0500
I have filed comments with the FCC in opposition to any formal segmentation
on 160 at this time. A better approach is to get
IARU to get 1800 to 1900 Khz as a world wide band so we can implement the
ARRL and IARU volunteer plans. The problem is that
much of the world does not have all the frequencies we in the US and Canada
have access to...with many limited to 1830 to 1850
or some other allocation for all modes CW, SSB, Digital etc. If we force
much of the DX to work spit then we run into the problems
that we have on 75 and 40 with complaints to the FCC about interference to
existing QSOs. I have talked to Riley on e-mail and he agrees
and does not feel that the FCC will further segment the bands. Wally, LZ2CJ
tells me that 1840 to 1860 is full of loud UB and UA stations
each weekend that are NOT in the contest so this portion is useless in
Europe. He can operate 1870 so that is where he and the EU stations that
can operate SSB in contests.
I also talked to the new FCC Chairman recently and his first question was
why don't hams work the new (more efficient...his words)
modes such as digital PSK31 and now digital voice? His feedback is that
PSK31 is far better than CW for weak signal and SSB is not even in the
ballpark! He told the group I was in that if amateur radio is to survive
with the existing frequencies (especially the UHF ones) we must start using
new modes. Amateur radio was the leader in SSB, packet and effective moon
bounce in the past.
Rod, W6ROD, did some legwork on my idea for a world wide band on 160 in
the lower 100Khz and told me there was little support right now as their
main interest (at least thru 2003) was 40 meters.
I told the FCC I support the ARRL plan and that except for 2 or 3 weekends
each year the band plan woks. I am disgusted as anyone at the Mexicans and
Florida stations that have moved to 1812 and 1830 recently.
73 Dave K4JRB