[SEDXC] Most Wanted List

John Laney k4bai@worldnet.att.net
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:30:31 -0500

Since my posting earlier today, I have received the Jan/Feb issue of The
DX Magazine.  The "2001 Most Wanted Countries--World-Wide 'Weighted'
listing on page 9 shows CE0X San Felix at #22 and TI9 Cocos Island at
Europe only shows CE0X at #14 and TI9 at #17.  World-Wide with no Eu or
USA shows CE0X at #20 and TI9 at #26.  USA overall shows CE0X at 33 and
TI9 at #44.  US Eastern time zone shows CE0X at #26 and TI9 at #45.  For
Pacific time zone US, it shows CE0X at #39 and TI9 at #82.

I believe the most wanted in the world per The DX Magazine is the
standard we have always looked at.


John, K4BAI.

PS:  The world top twenty are:  P5, BS7, VU4, VU7, 70, VP8S (So
Sandwich), YA, FR/J, 3Y (Peter I), VP8 (So Ga), KH1, 3Y (Bouvet), SV/A,
YV0, KP5, FT8X, VP8 (So. Orkney), FR/G, FT8W, ZS8 (Marion Is).