[SEDXC] W4NU, SEDXC Member in Kuwait

James R. Kauten, MD, W4TE James R. Kauten, MD, W4TE" <w4te@mindspring.com
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 06:53:06 -0400

John, W4NU asked that I pass this on to the club.  Best of luck to John.

Jim, W4TE

Dear Jim,

Just wanted to let the club members know that I am working on getting a
Kuwaiti license. My call will be W4NU/9K2.
I anticipate getting it within the month of July. It's hot over here =
115 to 120 F.), and will likely get up to 130 to 140 in August.

I'm taking over from the fellow below this week as he leaves for =

73 es best regards,

John, W4NU

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