[SEDXC] New Member

Al, N4ZZK@mindspring.com n4zzk@mindspring.com
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 07:50:35 -0500

Good morning,
I just joined the SEDXC last nite at the meeting and wanted to say
thanks to Bill and Mike for telling me about the club.    I met them
at the hamfest after arranging for Bill to get some cards checked
there for my first shot at DXCC.  Since I didn't get a chance to talk
to everyone last night, I thought I'd introduce myself here.

First  Licensed in 1964
Married and XYL is Lida, also a son, Cal in college
My job is in Information Technology / software design and project
I only operate CW (just never picked up a mike) and my interests also
include QRP (recently built a K2)
Besides the radio hobby,  I'm also a runner and cyclist
Pix of my station are at my Web page www.mindspring.com/~aludwick

I'm looking forward to the next meeting and hope to have a chance to
talk with more of you then.

73, Al

email at home n4zzk@mindspring.com
email at work aludwick@harland.net