[SEDXC] Fw: Ron Wright condition
Paul" <pwhansen@bellsouth.net
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 22:02:56 -0500
I asked Carl Smith about Ron Wright's condition. Here's the current =
Paul, W6XA
----- Original Message -----=20
From: N4AA@dxpub.com=20
To: Paul=20
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Ron Wright condition
Paul, here is what I was given for publication:
Many of you have been asking for more information/details on =
Ron's situation. I received the following News Release from Judy Roush, =
AA7UC. It includes details on Ron's medical condition, etc. Thanks =
to INDEXA for taking the initiative in establishing this fund for Ron =
and his family....
"International DX Association (INDEXA) / P. O. Box 607 / Rock =
Hill, SC 29731 / Phone: (928) 537-2186 / FAX: 775-655-2102 / E-mail: =
For release: Immediate (21 November 2002)
For more information contact:
Judy Roush, AA7UC, President, INDEXA jroush@cybertrails.com
ZL1AMO Air Ambulance Fund
On November 15th, the amateur radio community received word that =
well-known DXer, Ron Wright, ZL1AMO, fell ill in Fiji while on a =
DXpedition that included C2, Nauru. Ron was admitted to the Lautoka =
hospital where he was diagnosed with pneumonia and collapsed lungs. He =
was placed on life support and a few days later an air ambulance was =
dispatched from New Zealand to transport him back to New Zealand where =
he remains on life support in the critical care unit of the Auckland =
hospital. =20
Ron has no medical insurance and the cost of the emergency air =
ambulance is $40,000 NZD or approximately $20,000 USD. A ZL1AMO Air =
Ambulance Fund has been established by the International DX Association =
(INDEXA) to assist the Wright family with expenses incurred during Ron's =
most recent DXpedition. =20
If you would like to contribute, please make checks out to =
INDEXA with a notation "For ZL1AMO Air Ambulance Fund" on the "For" line =
at the bottom of the check. Please mail your contributions to: =
The ZL1AMO Air Ambulance Fund
c/o Bill Jennings, W4UNP
Secretary-Treasurer, INDEXA
P. O. Box 607
Rock Hill, SC 29731
Contributions to this fund are not tax =
Ron's family assures the DX community that they have his log =
book from Fiji where he was operating as 3D2RW and, in time, all QSL =
cards will be processed. =20
The Wright family appreciates the prayers and support of =
long-time friends and they hope that friendships recently established =
will continue in the future."
* * * * *
Update - 0415Z, November 24:
Terri reported to Judy that Ron was awake for a bit today and =
tried to talk but he was difficult to understand. The family believed =
that he was trying to tell them that he wants to go home. The family =
also told him that his ham radio friends have been e-mailing with =
prayers and get well wishes and they all look forward to meeting him on =
the air again, soon.=20
According to Terri, Ron wore himself out trying hard to =
communicate. When they left the hospital, Ron was sleeping. The family =
was encouraged; they felt Ron looked a little better than yesterday.
Carl, N4AA
Editor/Publisher of QRZ DX and The DX Magazine
Phone/FAX: 828-683-0709 ... Toll-Free (USA) 877-397-8254
Web site: www.dxpub.com
DX Column editor for CQ Magazine=20
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