[SEDXC] Recap of SEDXC September Meeting

James R. Kauten, MD, W4TE James R. Kauten, MD, W4TE" <w4te@mindspring.com
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 17:27:13 -0400

 Also avialable at www.sedxc.org=20

Southeastern DX Club

Recap of SEDXC Meeting September 17, 2002.  =20

The SEDXC met at the Fuqua Heart Center Classroom at Piedmont Hospital.  =
For directions go to: http://www.peachtreecardio.net/sedxc_qth.htm. =20

There was a good turnout for dinner prior to the meeting.  We ate at =
Panera Bread, which is several blocks North of Piedmont Hospital on =
Peachtree Road. =20

There were 16 attendees.=20

Items discussed/announcements were as follows:=20

  1.. Dues are due for the 2002-2003 year.  Please bring them to the =
meeting or send them to the SEDXC Post Office Box.  Many old active =
members have not renewed their membership.
  2.. There was an error in the newsletter.  The Club Treasury balance =
is $3041.39, $590.00 of which is in the Packet Cluster Fund.
  3.. Many of you did not receive the newsletter.  Apparently there was =
a problem with the contesting.com and eham.net web servers.  The =
newsletter will be resubmitted to insure that you receive it.
  4.. There will be a Christmas Party again this year.  Ken Byers, K4TEA =
has graciously volunteered to host the party.  More details will be =
  5.. Next month's newsletter will be sent only to those who are active =
members (i.e.. have paid their dues).
  6.. The Club will have a Club table as well as a swap table at the =
Alford Memorial Hamfest in November.  The Hamfest is November 2-3.  John =
Tramontanis, N4TOL is taking a list of members who wish to participate.  =
Tables on Saturday is a definite, Sunday is subject to discussion =
depending on volunteers available.
  7.. Our DXCC card checker and ARRL Outgoing Card Manager, Bill Barr, =
N4NX mentioned the following:  Before submitting outgoing cards, check =
carefully whether there is a QSL manager.  If there is a QSL manager the =
card must be sorted by his call.  DXCC deadline for year end submission =
is September 30, 2002.
  8.. The Activities Manager, N4TOL, will be arranging an "internal" =
Club contest for both the CQWW DX-CW & SSB contests.  Plaques will be =
awarded for DX related accomplishments.  Send in your scores to John =
Tramontanis, N4TOL.
Old Business:  =20


New Business:=20



The presentation this week was given by Wes Lamboley, W3WL.  He =
presented the VP8THU, South Sandwich Island Dxpedition video tape.  This =
video is extremely well done and is worth having.  If interested, talk =
with Wes.=20

As you probably are aware, this Dxpedition was a back-to basics event.  =
Low power and vertical antennas, "micro-lite".  Wes Lamboley, W3WL and =
Bob Allphin, K4UEE participated this this fine Dxpedition.  The contact =
rate was high thanks to the excellent operators at the DX end.  Watching =
this video brought to light the considerable peril the participants were =
in during the trip.  This in incomprehensible until you have seen the =

Many questions were asked by the membership regarding the operation, =
logistics, antennas, etc..  These were all eloquently answered by Wes.=20

We hope to see more of you at the next meeting.  There is plenty of =
room. =20

The meeting adjourned at 2100. =20

See you at the October  meeting. Hope to see you at the December =
Christmas Party.  Try to attend this and see all your friends, old and =



Jim Kauten, MD, W4TE

President SEDXC

James R. Kauten, MD, W4TE


ARRL Life Member
AMSAT Life Member
INDEXA Life Member
Southeastern DX Club President (SEDXC)
South East Contest Club Member (SECC)
Buckhead Contest Club Life Member


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