[SEDXC] KS4Q Cluster Status: SAW3

Ernie Zingleman ks4q at zingleman.com
Thu Dec 11 22:21:21 EST 2003

I just wanted to let everyone know that SAW3 is now on 145.09 MHz.

Sometime around 3 to 4 weeks ago a lot of packet activity cranked up on
145.01 MHz  @1200 baud.  145.01  seems to be one of the primary packet radio
freqs around the country.  The interference was causing us a lot of
aggravation but any unintentional reciprocal interfernce was probably
unnoticed.  I figured it was easier to just move.

We saw a few disconnects and a lot of aggravation as the normal state of
affairs was either infrequent disconnects or none in the case of a few of
the guys.

So, tonight I made the move and we will stay at 145.09 if we get no
complaints.  A few of us did some monitoring on the channel for a one to two
day period and did not hear any packet activity.  It is supposed to be a
packet frequency so we 'should' be OK but stranger things have happened.

73, Ernie KS4Q

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