[SEDXC] I'm still here....

John Laney k4bai@worldnet.att.net
Thu, 02 Jan 2003 13:49:50 -0500


I think the dates have been agreed upon.  It was a not very busy weekend
in April.  I don't have those messages available here at my office.  No
other changes were agreed to by all.  The time is so short to get the
word out (it is too late for the annual contest calendars, of course)
that I wouldn't suggest any other changes.  However, there might be time
if it were done and agreed to within the next few days.

We need to be sure that the results and the certificates (check with
KT4ZB) can be out before the contest date.  I know K4OGG is ready to
order the plaques as soon as he finds out who won them.  

Publicity as before needs to be gotten to Contest Corral for QST
(N0AX?), Contest Rate Sheet at ARRL (N0AX), NCJ, CQ Contest Column
(K1AR), Worldradio (still VE2ZP I assume), LA9HW, SM3CER, WA7BNM, and
the QRP pages and infosheets.  There may be others that haven't
immediately come to mind.  The website information needs to be updated

If anyone has anything for Jeff to consider, please e-mail him
immediately with copies to the reflectors, if appropriate.


John, K4BAI.

P.S.  If we have a contest in 2003, I will sponsor my usual two plaques.