John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Thu Mar 13 10:42:44 EST 2003

Hi Sonny:  Thanks for the tip and congratulations.  I worked them
Wednesday night on 10 and 20 CW and then about 0345Z worked them on
18133 khz (QSX 18142).  It took me a bit longer than 3 calls.  I had to
rewire the Ameritron AL811H into the circuit in place of the Alpha,
which doesn't cover the WARC Bands.  Wonder if anyone has an operating
manual for the Alpha 78 that I could copy and return?  I bought it from
NQ4I, but Rick hasn't ever found a copy of a manual for it.  Thanks to
Dave, K4JRB, for the info on working Ducie at 04Z on 17 SSB on Tuesday
night.  I hadn't been listening that late since the band seemed dead
earlier.  But that was just inactivity as it turned out.  Also worked
3D2MN on Fiji (DF8AN on vacation) at 0358Z Wednesday night on 17 CW and,
again, wouldn't have been listening there except for Dave's tip.  I
don't have a directional antenna for that band yet, but hope to get one
up soon.


John, K4BAI.

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