[SEDXC] Re: [SECC] Georgia QSO party

SavageBR at aol.com SavageBR at aol.com
Sun Sep 7 21:50:33 EDT 2003

In a message dated 9/7/2003 5:23:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time, aa4lr at arrl.net 
>Good idea. I suggest one issue be the date of the GQP. Easter Sunday or Palm 
>Sunday is a poor choice that limits activity.

This issue was discussed at length at the meeting. We've already made the 
decision on this issue. 
I think it was a poor decision and I doubt that it represents the collective 
opinion of the 117 members of the SECC or the members of the SEDXC. I believe 
the suggestion by KU8E was to discuss this type of issue on the reflector 
where most members can have a voice. This is a good idea. If the intent is to 
build the GQP into a meaningful activity, then more thought is appropriate. It is 
probably a good idea to be consistent year to year. It is a poor idea to 
choose Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday which will definitely reduce participation.

A couple of years ago, the date was moved from July to a cooler time of the 
year. It can be moved again.  The web site lists 83 logs submitted for the 2003 
GQP. There were probably a few more that were not listed. The 2003 Florida 
QSP, sponsored by the FCG of about 150 members, had over 600 logs submitted. 
That is quite a target to shoot at.

Bruce  AA4Z


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