[SEDXC] Desecheo and Navassa

Carl Henson wb4znh at megapipe.net
Tue Jun 29 17:50:10 EDT 2004

Many DX groups in the USA have been trying unsuccessfully for about 12 years
receive permission to activate KP1, Desecheo Island and KP5, Navassa Island.

My group has been working hard on this problem for several years now.  We
keep reaching a dead end.  It has now become more important that someone go,
regardless of who.

Please non-USA Hams write to:
The President
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

president at whitehouse.gov
vice.president at whitehouse.gov

and US Hams please write, email, and phone your Congressman and Senator and
urge them to bring pressure to bear on the Department of Interior to allow
an operation from both of these DX locations.  One third of the US Senators
and all of the US Representatives are up for reelection this year, not to
mention the President and Vice President.

If you would like to go to one of these islands, email me and I will give
you the information for application and how to cause the most work for the
Department of the Interior.


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