[SEDXC] This weekend's contest - CQ WPX SSB

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Mar 24 20:38:32 EST 2004

Hello all:

Best I can tell, there is only one contest this weekend.  It is a big 
one and it has a club competition category.  This is a combination award 
for both the SSB and the CW contests.  Single operators may operate up 
to 36 hours.  Off times must be at least one hour.  Multiops may operate 
the entire contest.

Stations within one's own country may be worked, not only for 
multipliers, but also for point credit.  So, there is a reason to work 
every other possible station in the contest.

Exchange:  RS + serial number, starting with 001.

There are also some special categories of awards in this contest that 
can be very interesting.  One is tribander/single element and I have won 
several awards in this class in the past.  Tribander with a single 
feedline and single element antennas for 40, 80, and 160.  Also, there 
is a rookie class with awards for operators license for three years or 
less on the date of the contest.

A number of us will be operating at Rick's house in Griffin as NQ4I. 
Please try to work us on every band.  We will be on 160.  We will be on 
75 and 40 in the daylight hours.  We will be on any band that is open to 
anywhere.  You can ask us on one band and we can give you transmit 
frequencies on other bands.  Don't work only us, of course.  Work 
anybody you can and send in the score with SECC as the club for the club 

Hope everyone has fun and makes a lot of contacts.

I may not have the correct URL here at this time, but you can find it on 
a search.  Try this:  http://home.woh.rr.com/wpx/.  I got that off the 
SM3CER website and it doesn't look exactly right to me.  The WA7BNM 
webpage hasn't changed from last week to this week yet.


John, K4BAI.

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