[SEDXC] Message from N5CE

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Tue Mar 30 11:40:39 EST 2004

Here should be the message I failed to include in my last e-mail.

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I'm in Atlanta...I 
arrived Friday evening
around 8 p.m. and have spent this weekend getting my bedroom set up...I 
am sharing an
apartment with 2 of my co-worker/friends from Tulsa...We live in Some 
Apartments called
Park Pointe North on Flowers Road in North Atlanta, about 5 to 10 
minutes from our workplace at 2800 Century Parkway...Today was our first 
day at work and it was just a day
of getting acquainted with people and getting a lot of general 
information.  I was originally
told that I'd be in the Disaster Recovery Group but then they moved me 
from the 5th floor
up to the 8th floor to a group called the International Frame Relay 
Group.  We'll see how things go.  We've already been told that AT&T 
plans to vacate the building we're in and to
move us all to Conyers, which is going to be probably a 30 to 45 minute 
drive, instead of the
5-7 minute drive we presently have.  We've already signed a 6 month 
lease here so we're
pretty much locked in.
Hope your contest went well.  I have a question for you.  I have a 
mobile rig with me here
(Kenwood TS440S) and Hamstick antennas, but I am doubtful that will be a 
sufficient signal
for the rare ones...Do you have any suggestions as to someone who might 
permit me to
operate from the home station with my call for new countries?  I know 
Marion Island ZS8
is coming up in about a week and I sure hate the thought of missing out 
on it.
Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
Gene N5CE

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