[SEDXC] Lawrenceville Hamfest

IAM4RB at aol.com IAM4RB at aol.com
Wed Nov 3 21:52:47 EST 2004

Here is the lineup for the club table at the Lawrencville hamfest this 
Saturday.  Any additional volunteers are welcome.  I look forward to seeing everyone 

73 - John N4TOL

Setup   John Tramontanis    N4TOL
9:00-10:00  Al Ludwick  N4ZZK
                 Dale Nordin K4HGG                
10:00-11:00 Tad Williamson  WF4W (ex W4FW)

11:00 - 12:00   Jim Cummings    KT4MM
                       Bob Fuss        W4OWY
12:00 - 1:00    Bill Mills  KC4AA
1:00 - 2:00    Bill Barr      N4NX            
                   Tom Harrell  N4XP

2:00 - 3:00 


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