w4te at mindspring.com w4te at mindspring.com
Sun Nov 7 18:55:53 EST 2004



Ken Byers, K4TEA and I are in the process of making arrangements (researching) to have our crank-up towers re-cabled.  We both have the 90 foot US Tower crank-up tower.  


US Tower recommends that recabling be done every three years.  I have not had mine done since I bought it 10 years ago and am long past due.  We are not aware of any local companies that do this work for non commercial consumers.  If you know of anyone locally who does this work please let Ken or me know.  Ken's email is: k4tea at bellsouth.net and mine is w4te at arrl.net.  I suspect that other crank-up tower manufacturers have similar guidelines. 


If we have to pay travel expenses for someone to come do this work, we believe we can arrange a better deal if more than 2 of us are paying.  This is work that is essential for safe crank-up tower use.  Please let us know if you are interested.  


If you are on reflectors for any of the local amateur radio clubs or have access to their bulletin, please post this.  I can send you a word document of this message.


Many thanks and 73,


Jim Kauten, MD, W4TE


James R. Kauten, MD, W4TE

w4te at kauten.com
w4te at mindspring.com

ARRL Life Member
AMSAT Life Member
INDEXA Life Member
Southeastern DX Club Past President (SEDXC)
South East Contest Club Member (SECC)
Buckhead Contest Club Life Member
Northern California DX Foundation Member (NCDXF)


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