[SEDXC] Great Job Ken!

N4ZZK Al Ludwick n4zzk at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 24 12:27:38 EST 2004

Thanks again to Ken / K4TEA for a great presentation on top band DXing last night.   The weather was a challenge but the program was well worth it for those that made it to the meeting.  

Although I've never used 160,  I'm starting to think about antennas now.  Winning a copy of "low-band dxing" in the raffle last night will provide a great resource and good reading material.  Thanks to John / N4TOL for securing this excellent door prize from HRO. 

If you haven't been to a meeting lately, think about coming, and bring a friend.  We have some great resources in the club and you can always learn something new from them. 

73, Al

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