[SEDXC] VK4EJ Needs Help with QSO in Randolph Co, AL

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Tue Oct 5 10:15:33 EDT 2004

Hello all:

See the message below from VK4EJ.  I could only refer him to K4JTW, who 
used to be active there.  The main town in Randolph County, AL is 
Roanoke.  If any of you can help him with a suggestion or if you might 
operate mobile from that county sometime soon, please e-mail Bernie 

Thanks and 73,

John, K4BAI.

Hi John,
             You don't know me, My name is Bernie (VK4EJ)
I am trying to work all USA counties on SSB...

I need only Randolph county in your state to finish Alabama.

I found your address on a DX bullitin regarding the AL QSO party.
Unfortunately the time is not good for our propagation window downunder..
John, Can you tell me if there are any entrants from Randolph county in 
the contest???? and if possible their Email addresses. I know this is 
highly irregular, But I only got 2 Email addresses out of the 41 hams 
listed as living in the county.... Its a tough job from here.. I am down 
to needing just 56 counties in the whole USA.. I would appreciate any help!!
Best 73 & thanks for reading this Email. Bernie VK4EJ..

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