[SEDXC] This month, Peter One --- latest program list for the year

N4ZZK Al Ludwick n4zzk at mindspring.com
Fri Sep 24 21:05:52 EDT 2004

To All,
We had some problems with the formatting of the program list in this months newsletter.  For that reason and just as a reminder, here are the programs we have planned.  (hopefully the list will come through a little better on the reflector)  This months meeting will be a good one.  Be sure and try to make it and hear Bob and George tell us about the plans for Peter One.

73 es gd dx...Al

--------------------September 28 ----------------------
Bob Allphin /  K4UEE 
George Nicholson /  N4GRN

3Y/P Peter One, planning and preparations

-------------------- October 26 --------------------
Stan Clay
Wes Lamboley / W3WL

Life and times of Nicola Tesla, Inventor, Scientist, & Genius. 
Stan worked for GAF and Ilford as a photographic scientist.  His
educational background includes chemistry, electrical engineering 
and math.  Currently he teaches classes in digital imaging and computers. 

Did you know?  Tesla's has a U.S. patent for the first device anywhere 
using wireless remote control.

-------------------- November 23 --------------------
Ken Byers / K4TEA

Low band DXing and antennas 

-------------------- December Party -------------------- 
Happy Holidays 

-------------------- January 25 --------------------
Jim Streible / K4DLI

Antenna modeling using the popular EZNEC program.   

-------------------- February 22 --------------------
Jim Kauten / W4TE 

Digital DXing with PSK31 and RTTY

-------------------- March 29 -------------------- 
Bob Allphin /  K4UEE 
George Nicholson /  N4GRN 

3Y/P Peter One

-------------------- April 26 -------------------- 
Dick Baxter / K5TF 

Estate planning, what to do when the inevitable occurs.  Should we consider a club service group?

-------------------- May 31 --------------------
Member show and tell.  A favorite QSL, award, homebrew project or anything else to share.

-------------------- June 28 --------------------
Wes Lamboley / W3WL

TBA at the meeting this week??? 

-------------------- July Summer Picnic --------------------
Hot fun in the summer time 

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