[SEDXC] P5 Update

Bill Barr billn4nx at alltel.net
Tue Aug 9 09:03:10 EDT 2005


This is being released with the permission of Bernie, W3UR Editor of - The Daily DX ( see bottom of announcement ).

Bill N4NX

>From August 9 issue of the Daily DX (thanks Bernie)

Yesterday KA2HTV, Dave, updated your DX editor on his trip to DPRK
from Beijing.  He received his North Korean visa and air Koryo
tickets.  He will be leaving this morning for Pyongyang.  "I received
word that I will get good cooperation on this effort", says David.  
He also wants to emphasis that the "bulk of the operating will be 
the (August) 20-23" time frame.  Dave went on by saying not to "worry
if it takes a few days to get on the air".  Just to remind everyone
the absolute earliest he could show up would be today around 2000Z.
Any activity will most likely be on 17, 20 or 40 meters on SSB.  If 
an official press release comes out we will send it to all 
You may also want to keep an eye on http://www.amsatnet.com/p5a.html.

Looking at the expected solar conditions between now and the end of
Dave's trip to Pyongyang are not very hopeful.  The Solar Flux is
expected to drop below 100 today and continue down to 70 and not
raising above 100 until after Dave has left P5.  Here on the east
coast of the US that probably means we will only have a shot on 20
meters, especially during the 2000-2200Z time frame.  The lower the K
index the better the opportunity from this part of the globe.
Europeans, especially on the western half of the continent should 
have a significant advantage during that 20-22Z time period.

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