[SEDXC] [SECC] CVS Noise Canceling Earphones

Gary McConville wb4sq at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 1 21:31:55 EST 2005

But do they work with leaf vacuums?  Guess I'll have to try it out
between q's...

--- Hal Kennedy <halken at comcast.net> wrote:

> There has been a fair amount of chatter on the PVRC reflector the
> past few
> days regarding some nice earphones - I thought I would pass along the
> info.
> CVS stores have noise canceling earphones for $15.  Quite a few
> PVRCers have
> bought them and claimed they sounded about as good as their Heil
> Prosets.  I
> picked one up here in Woodstock yesterday - there were eight on the
> shelf -
> so finding these things seems easy enough.
> My very first impression was they were really cheaply made - they are
> only
> $15.  After using them for a while however - I am very impressed. 
> They also
> fold up much smaller than Heil phone - a plus for traveling.  They
> would be
> good for using on air liners in addition to HR.
> For anyone who has not used noise canceling phones in HR before -
> they
> really can help.  The first test is to put them on in your ham shack
> connected to nothing, then throw the switch and listen to the
> background
> disappear.  The things really work --
> 73
> Hal
> N4GG
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