[SEDXC] CVS Headphones

SavageBR@aol.com SavageBR at aol.com
Mon Dec 5 19:03:08 EST 2005

The CVS "Noise Canceling Stereo Headphones" were easy to find in the  
Clearwater, FL area. The local CVS store had them displayed along side personal  DVD 
players. They were $14.95 on special for $9.95.
First of all, they are a reasonable set of  phones for $9.95. In  series with 
the cord there is a control with a volume control, a mute switch,  and an 
ON/OFF switch for the noise canceling feature. They require one AAA  battery, not 
included. The spec states 15 dB of background noise reduction  at 300 Hz and 
5 dB at 1200 Hz. I do not have a calibrated ear, but they did a  good job of 
dropping down the TV (and the XYL).  They are padded  and reasonably 
Even without the noise canceling feature, they are as good or better  that 
any cheap set I have found from Radio Shack.
Bruce,  AA4Z  

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