[SEDXC] Tuesday Night 80M QRP Fox Hunt

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Mon Dec 26 10:30:06 EST 2005

Hello guys:

I will be an 80M "Fox" in a QRP fox hunt from 0200 to 0330 UTC Tuesday 
night (Wednesday AM in UTC).  There will be two Foxes, the other being 
W7KXP, Bill in AZ.  One of us will be between 3550 and 3560 and the 
other between 3560 and 3570.  The usual practice is to work split at the 
first of the period, often "up 1", and to work simplex toward the end.

Tune in, turn your rig down to 5 W if you can, and experience a new 
facet of ham radio operating.  Hope many of you can work both Bill and 
me Tuesday night.  If skip is long at the beginning of the period, 
experience shows that it often will shorten up before the end of the period.

Happy new year to all.  See my Fox hunt announcement to the qrpfoxhunt 
reflector below.


John, K4BAI.

Hello all:

I am looking forward to being a "Fox" for the first time Tuesday night 
on 80M.  I have a FT1000MP at 5 watts with all stock CW filters and an 
IRC roofing filter.  I have two transmit antennas and will be switching 
between them.  An 80 meter inverted vee dipole with apex at 45' seems to 
favor west and north west.  An 88' center-fed zepp at 40 feed fed 
through an MFJ antenna tuner seems to favor north and north east.  If 
atmospheric noise is a problem, I will also have the 40-meter dipole on 
the receiving antenna post.  It is much quieter than the 80 meter 
transmit antennas and works sort of like a beverage.  I will be QRV for 
the entire 90 minute period and will do my best to get all callers in 
the log.  We will likely have some long skip at the beginning of the 
period.  Experience during this series (and on 40M too) shows that the 
skip often shortens up and allows semi-local QSOs later in the period 
that wouldn't be possible earlier.  It also seems that the signals from 
the far west get better as the period goes on.  So, if you don't hear me 
well enough for a QSO early on, be sure to try later.  Hope everyone has 
fun and gets two pelts Tuesday night.  Happy new year to all.  73/72, 
John, K4BAI, EM72, Columbus, GA.

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