[SEDXC] Peter I Dxpedition Cancelled

wf4w@earthlink.net wf4w at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 17 15:06:59 EST 2005

*** 425DXNews - www.425dxn.org ***

3Y0X Peter I DX pedition

Press Release

I am afraid we have bad news.  At 1 AM local time today we learned that our
charter vessel, the Cavendish Sea, had not yet sailed from the port of
Comodoro Rivadavia.  The Cavendish Sea was to sail to Ushuaia to pick up
the Dxpedtion team and their equipment on Friday, Feb 18th.  We were to
sail before noon.

Because they have delayed their arrival until Sunday, and with a projected
Monday departure, we have simply run out time. This latest delay on top of
numerous previous delays, simply makes it impossible for us to spend a
sufficient amount of time on Peter I to justify the DXpedition  this year.

So, we have no choice but to postpone the DXpedition until 2006.  We
believe it is essential to allow enough time on Peter I to justify the
monetary investment made by the team members, our sponsors, individual
contributors, DX Clubs, DX Foundations.

After having the first vessel, the Antarctic Dream, default on their
contract with us, then  the helicopter company default on their contract
and then after putting everything  back together with an new boat and
helicopter on this past Tuesday, the team has been on quite an emotional
rollercoaster.  Our sincerest thanks to everyone for the encouragement and
support you offered us during this time.


Bob Allphin, K4UEE
Ralph Fedor, K0IR

Don N1DG and Peter I pilot

Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM

425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj at 425dxn.org


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