[SEDXC] January Program for the SEDXC club meeting - Antenna modeling

N4ZZK Al Ludwick n4zzk at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 12 07:35:39 EST 2005

It's time to start planning to get your antennas in shape for spring.  We have a very interesting program planned for this month to help you out: 

January Program Tuesday January 25 
Antenna modeling using the popular EZNEC program. 

Presented by:  Jim Streible, K4DLI
Have you ever wondered about the interaction between your antennas?

Do you have a wire antenna that is not laid out exactly by the book and wondered how much that affects the radiation pattern?

Do you want to test drive some antennas to see how would work at your QTH?

Do you have version EZNEC 3 and wonder if upgrading to 4 is worthwhile?


All of these questions and more will be answered as Jim takes us thorough the basics of this popular antenna modeling software.   Rumor has it,  Jim may have some "goodies"  to hand out at the meeting so don't miss this one.  Check the web page for directions and information on the other programs planned for the rest of the year. 



Don't forget, prospective members, interested parties and friends are all welcome....

73, Al

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