[SEDXC] Help us Okies out

GENEW5LE@aol.com GENEW5LE at aol.com
Tue Mar 8 19:15:35 EST 2005

Hey, Guys,
This coming weekend is the Oklahoma QSO Party and, of course, since I've  
returned from Georgia to Oklahoma, I'll be jumping in with both feet.  I'd  like 
to ask everyone that has a few minutes to spare to jump on the bands and  give 
us Okies a QSO...You can find full details by clicking on the "OK QSO  Party" 
button on the Oklahoma DX Association website,
www dot okdxa dot org .  We're going to try to have all 77 counties on  this 
year, like last.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Gene Lewis W5LE

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