[SEDXC] Off topic: Big CRTs for sale

Chaz Cone, W4GKF w4gkf at chazcone.com
Sat Mar 26 00:13:51 EST 2005

My bride today gave me a pair of 18" flatpanel monitors to replace the two 
giant CRTs I've been using on my desktop.

I'm selling one of the large monitors; it's a Dell D2026T-HS UtraScan 
Trinitron 20" (19"+ viewing area) Flat CRT; it's in perfect working 
order.  I'm asking $250 OBO.

I also have a brand new 17" Flat CRT that I'll no longer use in my 
hamshack. (taking the other big CRT down there;  $150 OBO takes that one.

The downside?  You'll have to pick them up in Dunwoody; these suckers are 

Call me

Chaz, W4GKF
770 394 2663 

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