[SEDXC] Tower/Antennas/Rotors for Sale (W4MA)

Ernie Zingleman ks4q at zingleman.com
Thu May 26 12:32:41 EDT 2005

Guys,  I'm posting this for Bill, W4MA.
Please contact him directly at the phone/email below.

Thanks, Ernie


FOR SALE:  90ft+ Rohn 25 tower with Phyillystran guys, Hy-Gain TailTwister
& Ham IV rotors, Bill Wall Antenna Mart 6 position antenna switch box,
Hy-Gain TH7DX, Hy-Gain 40m rotation dipole, Cushcraft A3WS with 30m add on,
200 ft of coax and 8 wire control cable that I need removed from my QTH.
Includes manuals for antennas and rotors.  Price is $500 OBO and you take
down. Location North GA     Contact Bill 770-887-7567 or w4ma at arrl.net


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