[SEDXC] DX Publications

Greg Tomerlin - K4KO k4ko at charter.net
Thu Aug 17 20:19:05 EDT 2006


I subscribed to Bernie's Daily DX about three weeks ago and I'm hooked.
Lot's of timely DX news as it breaks.  I never expected to like it as
much as I do, but it's the first email I read every morning.  I really
enjoy it.  Try it for two weeks and see for yourself.

The Daily DX <-- two free weeks http://www.dailydx.com/order.htm
The Weekly DX <-- free sample http://www.dailydx.com/weekly2.html


73 Greg  K4KO
   Tennessee QSO Party - September 10 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JT Croteau" <jt.w6fo at gmail.com>
To: "*SEDXC Group" <sedxc at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:25 PM
Subject: [SEDXC] DX Publications


For a hardcore DX wannabe, are any of the DX specific publications
(e.g. DX Magazine, Daily/Weekly DX, etc.) worth subscribing to?  I'm
curious to know what the hardcore DX'ers are following on a regular

 JT Croteau - W6FO - Canton, GA
 ARS #2,147 | NoGA-QRP | SEDXC | ARRL
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