[SEDXC] Hy Power Antenna Company

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Sat Aug 19 09:04:43 EDT 2006

On Aug 17, 2006, at 10:34 AM, JT Croteau wrote:

>  I
> know I could build my own but all of my previous attempts at building
> dipoles have failed miserably.

Building dipoles is easy! 468/f gives you the number of feet. Then  
you have to trim the antenna. It takes a bit of cut and try, but it  
isn't hard.

Of course, that's for one band. Trap dipoles are a little trickier.  
But I built a 30m/17m dipole this spring, and plan to add 12m trap  
this fall.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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