[SEDXC] My Wire Antenna Installation and sources on the web.

JT Croteau jt.w6fo at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 17:05:45 EDT 2006

Thanks for the comments Keith.

I prefer resonant antennas when possible, I've had mixed results with
88' doublets and tuner combos as KU8E suggested.  I don't have a very
big lot and only 2 trees in inconvenient spots on the property for
supporting wires so most of my wire attempts have been in inverted vee

The TRI1020 from Hy Power that I was looking at has seperate elements
for 10, 15, and 20 seperated with spreaders.  However, Barry doesn't
take credit cards or PayPal and his one dealer, Universal Radio, has
had them on back order for awhile now.  So, I quickly scratched this
plan and ordered up some FlexWeave and insulators from The Wireman and
going to put up a resonant wire for 20.

However, I just returned from helping WB4SQ finish tower removal at
Jack's old QTH and Gary loaned me a 20M Bazooka that I am going to try

I just need to get something else in the air until I can finish
restoring the tower and get it in the air.  The only antenna currently
in the air at W6FO is a Butternut HF2V which has worked really well.
My first contact with it was into VE3 land on 80M and, surprisingly,
it has worked quite well the few times I've checked into the Cracker
and SSB nets.

Hopefully I won't run into any problems obtaining the building permit
for the tower footing.  According to local city ordinances, if I keep
the entire array at 70' maximum, I am excluded from all of their tower
regulations.  Therefore, I think I just need a building permit for the
footing and I'm set.  Tower placement may be interesting though if
they have stringent set back rules.  I think I only have 100' between
neighbors but I haven't fully measured it out yet.  But one of my
neighbors is a registered sex offender so he shouldn't matter, right?

 JT Croteau - W6FO - Canton, GA
 ARS #2,147 | NoGA-QRP | SEDXC | ARRL

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