[SEDXC] [Fwd: Fw: M/K4QPL; GB2LD September 5]

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Thu Aug 24 16:17:26 EDT 2006

Hello all:  Here is an alert message about an interesting upcoming 
operation from a historic radio site in England by my college roommate, 
K4QPL, Jim Jordan, who is a lawyer in Raleigh, N.C. and a frequent guest 
operator at N4AF/NY4A.  I am forwarding this with Jim's permission.  He 
said he might be able to check 15 and 10M around 16Z when they have 
their tour of the station, but most operating will be after he has taken 
his wife and her father back to their hotel and he returns to the club 
station after dinner around 19Z.  Therefore most operation will be on 20 
meters with possibly 40 meters during the last couple of hours.  73, 
John, K4BAI.

Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 2:12 PM
Subject: M/K4QPL; GB2LD September 5

> Our vacation this year is in Devon and Cornwall, England. I seldom think 
> ham radio on a family vacation and usually don't even take an H-T. This 
> year, by pure coincidence, Ward, N0AX, put a bit at the end of the last 
> issue of the "Contester's Rate Sheet" about telegraphy and wireless 
> history in Cornwall. I followed up and have received a wonderful 
> invitation from David, G3PLE (ham handle "Duke") to see his QTH and to 
> give us a guided tour of the interesting historical telegraph cable and 
> wireless sites in the area as well as the space age Goonhilly satellite 
> earth station.
> More important, he has offered to make their club station GB2LD, (from the 
> old Marconi wireless call "LD" for "LizarD") located in the oldest 
> surviving Marconi Wireless station in the world, available to me outside 
> the normal visitor hours to do a mini-DX or special events op. For me, 
> operating cw from a place where the dits and dahs were first heard 105 
> years ago is going to be a real high.
> http://www.lizardwireless.org/index.htm
> I'd like to share that, as well as a special QSL, with as many PVRC'ers as 
> possible. The radio is a 100W TS850 to wires so will probably be cw only 
> unless conditions are especially good. The present plan is to be QRV on 
> bands open  to the East Coast on Tuesday, September 5, from about 1900Z 
> until about 0000Z. I still have to drive about 20 
> miles back to Penzance so if the weather is bad I may need to QRT earlier 
> than that. Look for me about 35khz up from the lower end so I don't miss 
> any Advanced/Generals. I'll mostly use the club call GB2LD.
> Mark it on your calendars. I look forward to hearing what y'all sound like 
> from the other side of the pond. QSL of course via K4QPL. Not required, 
> but if anyone wants to include a "green stamp" with their QSL I will 
> forward on behalf of the club as a contribution to keep this historic site 
> open for others.
> 73,
> Jim, soon M/K4QPL

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