[SEDXC] [SECC] Building Permits for Tower Bases

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Thu Aug 24 22:32:41 EDT 2006

On Aug 23, 2006, at 10:06 PM, David Thompson wrote:

> When I put my tower up in 1980 all I got was a letter from the  
> Gwinnett
> County Fianace Office with a copy of the Minutes of the Couty  
> Commissioners
> meeting.  The minutes said the Commissioners voted 6 to 0 to  
> approve and a
> note was attached saying this was my permit.

Things have changed in Gwinnett county since 1980. The procedure is  
completely different now.

> I think they do issue a building permit now but for ham towers 70  
> feet and
> under its free.

When I got my permit in 2001, the procedure was different for towers  
under 50 feet (no drawings, no notice, just a building permit), under  
70 feet (std drawings, approval, building permit), under 110 feet (PE  
stamp, notice to neighbors, approval, building permit), over 110 feet  
(PE stamp, notice, hearings, approval, building permits).

I've heard rumblings that the rules have changed again. Getting the  
permit for my 15m tower (less than 50 feet), was a real hassle  
because the building department almost never handles these types of  
permits and doesn't know the procedures. They certainly sent me  
around the circuit chasing approvals I didn't need.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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