[SEDXC] W6FO Dipole Party

JT Croteau jt.w6fo at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 14:10:41 EDT 2006

Many thanks to those brave souls who came out to the extreme
North-lands known as Canton, GA in far off Cherokee county for a quick
dipole party.  I sarcasticly say it like this because of all the
May-retta and Kennesaw customers who bitch and moan about how far away
my shop is from civilization when it is actually only a 16-20mi. drive
from them.  ATL folks still whine more about traffic than we ever did
in Los Angeles and we were a heck of a lot more congested than ya'll
here.  But I digress...

In attendance, in no particular order, we had:

Hal, N4GG
Wes, W3WL
Jim, K4DLI

Talk about a gruesome three-some!

We made fairly effortless work at repairing and raising my 1/2-wave
20M dipole.  It's installed with one end @ ~40 feet in a sloped
configuration down to ~20 feet (give or minus a few feet on either
end) and thus should yield an omnidirectional pattern.  Resonance is
right at 14.200 with a 1.3:1 SWR and SWR remains below 1.7:1 through
the entire band.

Afterwards we had a nice lunch at a local authentico Mexican hole in
the wall where there was a bunch of chatter about tubes and radios
built about 20 years before my time.  I just sat back and listened to
the old farts reminisce.

Many thanks again, time to go work some DX on 20.  YO's should be hot
this weekend.

  JT Croteau - W6FO - Canton, GA
  ARS #2,147 | NoGA-QRP | SEDXC | SECC | ARRL

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