[SEDXC] Filtering Announcements on the Cluster

Ernie Zingleman ks4q at zingleman.com
Sat Dec 9 13:17:32 EST 2006

This is a reminder to the cluster users regarding filtering of announcements.

You can filter announcements separately from dx spots.

You can also filter each of the above, announcments and dx spots, regionally.

For AR-Cluster you can find the command in the user manual.  Here is the link to the AR-Cluster manual pages:


For CC Cluster, you can eliminate all of the jabbering done via announcment messages by entering this:

"set/filter AOC/PASS K, VE"  Of course, you do not actually enter the quotation marks!

Let me know if you have any questions!

73, Ernie KS4Q

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