Macie, Gordon GMacie at innotrac.com
Mon Feb 13 11:10:16 EST 2006

What is the last day 3Y0X is suppose to be on ?

I would like to work them on 17,30, and 40. This is assuming I can still
get cards for the 1987 operation. I spent most of yesterday trying. I
did manage a SSB QSO on 15. I wanted to get 1 contact anywhere since I
don't have it confirmed.

This is what I observed yesterday.

I could barely copy them on 15 ssb for about 1 - 2 hours mid afternoon.
I could hear them on 17 barely at times but running 100w it was
hopeless. I couldn't hear them on 20. I could hear them very well on 30
and 40 and called them what seemed like 1000's of times with no luck.. I
am curious ,
Were conditions on 10-20 worse yesterday. I only have dipoles but I
usually hear pretty well. Hopefully the pileups will lessen now that
people have worked them on many bands and they have more stations up. I
hope to make another effort next weekend. I hope they will be on thru
next weekend.

My one contact was about 2 hours pass the cutoff for the last qso's they

Gordon N4LR

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