[SEDXC] 3Y0 on 75 SSB

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 14 15:46:10 EST 2006

The 3Y0 has a fair CW signal (peak of 559) on 80 but on SSB the best I heard
him when he worked W4GBU at 44.  I called him 4 or 5 times just hoping he
would come out of the noise (they may be cussing me for calling and not
replying HI).

Last night they disappeared for over an hour and came back on 3787 but after
working a K3 a group of stations came on the frequency to rag chew.  We
asked them to move... a K8 (in North Florida) and a N3 who sounded almost
drunk.  They finally moved after many asked them to but by then S59N moved
in next door at 3788 and by then they were gone.  They did come back at
0830Z but by then I was asleep.

I feel sorry for the USA gang as they are so weak on SSB (seems like
stronger in Europe as I heard several I, OK, G work them).  Those of us with
noisy residential lots (even with receiving antennas)  should only call when
we know we can hear their reply.  Even with my poor receiving conditions on
the half square, I heard several called who did not respond or just called
again.  They were just too weak for the K9AY loops to even detect them!

I remember the last group (in the 1990's) were louder on 160 than on
80/75...I have a 160 SSB QSO.  Maybe the mountain is blocking the 80/75

Dave K4JRB

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