[SEDXC] VU7 DXpedition QRV and Request to Limit Duplicate QSOs

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Thu Nov 30 15:45:02 EST 2006

An open letter to the DX community:

Looks like the first ARSI (Amateur Radio Society of India) VU7LD activity
has begun at 1200 AM (1830Z today) December 1st local time on Kavaratti
Island, Lakshadweep.  This is the all Indian national team DXpedition.  I'd
like to bring the following info/request to the DX Community's attention.
This group has been told they must sign VU7LD/VU#??? while operating from
the number 2 most wanted DXCC Entity.  The stroke (/) VU#??? represents the
call of the actual operator.  I would ask DXers around the world to refrain
from working VU7LD on the same band and mode more than once, just because it
is a different operator.  There is no need to work VU7LD/VU2UR, VU7LD/VU2PAI
and VU7LD/VU3RSB all on 20 meters SSB.  There will be no awards for the
station that works the most VU7LD DXpedition!!!  You only need to work one
of them per band/mode.  It's the same station and will get the same exact
QSL card from W3HNK.  It would be like working 3Y0X on 20 meters SSB when
N2WB was operating and then working K4UEE when he was the op and then
working LA6VM when he was the operator.  There is no need to dupe or work
each operator on every band mode.  It's perfectly fine though to work VU7LD
on each of the bands and modes you need it.  As with any major DXpedition to
a rare location, such as the Lakshadweep Islands, the pileups are going to
be extremely large.  Certain areas of the world will have a more difficult
time than other areas.  When the operator asks for a certain area please
respect their plea.  By the way VU7LD will have an on-line log search,
probably in a few days, at http://arsi.info/vu7/.  Good luck to all and
please listen carefully to the operators instructions!  See you in the
pileups!  This team will be QRV until the end of December.  VU7RG will be
QRV January 15-25th, with an international group of operators.  They have a
Web page at http://www.vu7.in.

PS. Please post this on your club reflector, other DX reflectors, Website
and other DX publications.  Thank you in advance.

W3UR, Bernie

Bernie McClenny, W3UR

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