[SEDXC] TI8M Again...Corrected for the SEDXC!

Bob Wilson w4bw at w4bw.net
Fri Oct 20 19:38:22 EDT 2006

OK...So it's Friday night and I'm not crossing all my T's and dotting all my I's...Below is what I meant to say to all our SEDXC members.  Sorry for the somewhat wasted bandwidth!  I know this is a trivial correction but...

Just an FYI...

Some of our TI8M group are again headed down to Costa Rica for CQWW Phone next weekend.  At least 3 of us are SEDXC members, and maybe more.  We will be operating as a Multi/2 effort on 160-10m with 4 Atlanta guys and 2 or 3 local, Costa Rican hams.  We all know we are not particularly competitive in CQWW but we always have fun!  

If you hear us or see us spotted, give us a call.  Thanks in advance for any Q's...

Bob Wilson - W4BW

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