[SEDXC] OT: Matching Diodes

Ernie Zingleman ks4q at zingleman.com
Fri Sep 8 16:57:15 EDT 2006


Here are two good articles:



You probably want to use a balanced mixer.  First of all a balanced mixer 
ensures that only the sum and difference frequencies exit the mixing 
process.  The degree of the match between the diodes has a direct 
correlation to how well this process works.  I'm not an expert but the 
theory is that you want the diodes to conduct to the same degree at roughly 
the same forward voltage.

The second above article advocates buying a balanced diode mixer module for 
a few dollars that includes matched diodes and transformer.  Saves a lot of 
time and effort and will probably work better: 


Ernie KS4Q

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JT Croteau" <jt.w6fo at gmail.com>
To: "*SEDXC Group" <sedxc at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 9:28 AM
Subject: [SEDXC] OT: Matching Diodes

> Not DX related but maybe someone can explain this to me.
> What are the technical benefits of matching diodes especially when
> used in a mixer application?  Additionally, how do you perform the
> matching?  I have an application that calls for matched diode sets but
> they don't explain why the matching is important or how to accomplish
> the matching.
> Thanks
> --
>  JT Croteau - W6FO - Canton, GA
>  ARS #2,147 | NoGA-QRP | SEDXC | SECC | ARRL
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