[SEDXC] For Sale

Ron Lowrance K4SX k4sx at centurytel.net
Fri Sep 15 09:39:59 EDT 2006

I have for sale a IC-756Pro2 w/PS-125 matching power supply.  I purchased this new a little over 2 years ago.  It is in perfect working order and is as new in appearance.  I am asking $1750 plus shipping.  I live west of St.Louis, MO.  I also have a IC-2KL solid state amp for sale.  It is in perfect working order and the apperance is excellent.  I am asking $1200 plus shipping.  If interested please send me an email or contact me via cell phone; 678-758-6370.  73

Ron Lowrance
Wright City, MO
k4sx at centurytel.net

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