[SEDXC] Dunwoody Antenna
ku8e at bellsouth.net
ku8e at bellsouth.net
Thu Sep 21 09:40:16 EDT 2006
Thanks for forwarding this story. This brings back memories of what a good friend of mine -
John Thernes, WM4T (now W4ZN), went thru. I knew John when I lived in Ohio and did several
contests from his house. For those who don't know, he was the first case to win that cited the PRB-1
legislation. He was in court for almost 5 years and had to go to the federal appeals court to win
his case. His case (Thernes v. City of Lakeside Park) , is cited in just about any case involving antennas/towers. See http://www.qsl.net/k3qk/thernes2.html. I had lost touch with John over the years and it was nice to run into him at the Dayton Hamvention this year...
73, Jeff KU8E
> From: Jay Pryor <jpryor at uga.edu>
> Date: 2006/09/21 Thu AM 08:45:55 EDT
> To: SECC at contesting.com, sedxc at contesting.com
> Subject: [SEDXC] Dunwoody Antenna
> You folks in the Atlanta area, particularly in DeKalb County, should
> check out the front page story in the Dunwoody Crier. It is
> interesting to see the comments about the article on the Crier
> website. Every one of them, as I write this, is in support of the
> antenna. FYI.
> http://www.thecrier.net/articles/2006/09/19/front/antenna.txt
> 73,
> Jay, K4OGG
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