[SEDXC] Homebrew Amps

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Sat Sep 23 11:27:24 EDT 2006

Why not pickup something like an old Heathkit SB200. It will put out about 
500 watts. I see them on eham.net all the time for as low as $250. I don't 
see that you could homebrew an amp for that cheap...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Coleman" <aa4lr at arrl.net>
To: "JT Croteau" <jt.w6fo at gmail.com>
Cc: "*SEDXC Group" <sedxc at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [SEDXC] Homebrew Amps

> On Sep 22, 2006, at 8:34 AM, JT Croteau wrote:
>> Anyone have any schematics/plans/ideas for getting ~200W from either
>> 5W or 50W drive without breaking the bank?
> There's not a huge difference between 50 watts and 200 watts. That's
> only a single S-unit.
>>   I have acquired a nice
>> Ten-Tec Argosy that I am cleaning up and it will have a really low
>> noise floor and improved dynamic range when I am finished.  Some type
>> of foot warmer would also be nice.
> If 50 watts is not enough, consider finding a used older-generation
> tube amplifier. Something like an SB-200 can be had for less than $500.
> Last year, I bought a used AL-80A from a ham's estate. I spent a bit
> more than $500, but what the heck. It uses a single 3-500Z and with
> 50 watts drive will produce about 500 watts or so.
>> I know Tokyo Hy-Power has some commercial pre-built options in this
>> range but I, and my wallet, would much rather homebrew if possible.
> Homebrewing an amplifier can be done, but it isn't cheap. Key
> components, like the HV transformer or tube(s), can easily run you
> over that $500 budget, if you buy them new.
> Amplifier design and construction also requires a certain level of
> care and expertise. The voltages can easily kill you. The energy
> stored in the power supplies can be enough to explode components.
> Proper component choice is necessary to avoid catastrophic failures.
> You're better off looking for a used amplifier. If you are totally
> focused on homebrew, you should consider buying used amplifiers for
> key parts.
> Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
> Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
>             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901
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