[SEDXC] Announcement, QRP Event, April 18

John T. Laney III k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Sun Apr 1 20:31:00 EDT 2007

Hello all:  I will be one of the escaped dogs in this QRP event, April 
18.  Please mark your calendars.  73, John, K4BAI.

Thank you John.  Unfortunately I won't be able to participate in the Spartan
Sprint due to a conflict.

Here is an overview of the Great Escape:

The Radio City Kennel Club Great Escape. 
The first of two new hour and a half QRP events will take place on On April
18, 2007 on 40 and 80 meters the fall event date will be announced shortly.

Event Scenario:
In the spirit of making this a fun and active event imagine a dog show being
held in Radio City.  Just before the Dog Show Opens sixteen K-9s (Target
Stations) pick the locks on their kennels and hit 40 and 80th avenues (40 &
80m) in two packs.  City residents "mostly cats" are terrorized by the
thought of two packs of K-9s running loose in the city.  

The only way to resolve the situation and return the city to normal law and
is to engage the services of volunteer Bounty Hunters (QRP Chase Stations)
who attempt to capture both packs of K-9s.   Two packs (teams of 8 K-9s each
-QRP Target stations located in strategic spots around the country.

After the first 45 minutes the Packs will swap avenues (Bands) and the event
will continue for another 45 minutes.  Bounty hunters (participating QRP
chase stations) compete for Bounty Points.  

K-9s:  RST State & Dog Tag Number
Bounty Hunters:  RST State and QSO Number 

The event is open to anyone however only QRP stations can win certificates
for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  K-9s only work Bounty Hunters and Bounty
Hunters only work  K-9s.

Details at:  www.radiocitykennelclub.homestead.com
We are looking for five more K-9s located in the Central, NW and Western
parts of the country to fill out the packs.  Anyone interest in serving as
an escaped K-9 should visit the website, go to the Post Office Page and pick
which K-9 they want to represent and let me know by e-mail to
w0uce at nc.rr.com

-----Original Message-----
From: John T. Laney III [mailto:k4bai at worldnet.att.net] 
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 6:02 PM
To: w0uce at nc.rr.com
Subject: Re: Need your help please

J A Ritter wrote:

>> Fellow K-9s:
>> We are currently stalled with eleven K-9s and need five more in the 
>> Central, NW, SW and Western parts of the country. If you know some 
>> good K-9 candidates please help recruit them so we can have two full 
>> packs with eight K-9s each.
>> Any help you can offer with promoting our first event on April 18 will 
>> also be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks & 73,
>> Terrible Teddy - W0UCE
Jack: If you will produce an e-mail promoting the event with a simple 
explanation and link to the website, I will cut and paste and send it to 
the SECC, ACG, and SEDXC reflectors. I can also send it to the qfox 
reflector if you are not doing that yourself. Hope to work you in the 
ARS Spartan QRP CW Sprint Monday night. 73/72, John, K4BAI.

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