[SEDXC] Claimed Scores Last Weekend's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Apr 18 11:42:14 EDT 2007

Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contest.  A lot of scores haven't been 
posted yet.  Maybe I can do a later more complete summary, but I want to 
keep on the Wednesday schedule for now.

Georgia QSO Party

Call    CW Q  Ph Q  CW M  Ph M  Score    Category   Time   State  Notes
W4AN     901  2372  41*   85*   338,094* M/MHPMix   13     GA     Ops
K4EA     592   568  70*   88*   276,816* SOHPMix    19     GA
K4BAI/M 2265     8  49     5    245,052  RMLPMix    17:02  GA     Ops:
N4NX     331   707  49    53    139,638  SOLPMix    15:30  GA
N4LR     252   272  54    53     83.032  SOHPMix   ~11     GA
N4GG     684     0  49     0     65,664  SOHPCW     12:55  GA      SO2R
W4MY/M      842        56             ?  RSLP?      ?      GA
NA4BW    308   114  40    34     54,020  SOQRPMix   14     GA
W4DD     400     0  44     0     35,200  SOQRPCW   ~16     GA
K4ZGB/M  426     0  40     0     34,080  RSLPCW      4     GA
WB4SQ    193    68  32    19     34,050  SOLPMix    ~9.5   GA
K4OD     278     5  38     4     23,562  SOLPMix    15:03  GA
W4XO       0   465   0    48     22,320  SOLPSSB     9     GA
K1ZZI    208     0  52*    0     21,632* SOHPCW      2.5   GA
KN4Y/M   315     0  34     0     21,420  RSLPCW      7     GA
W4QO     221     5  39     2     18,327  SOQRPMix    6     GA
W4GKF      0   394   0    42     16,548  SOLPSSB    10     GA
N4FD/R   271     9  77*    4*    14,780* RSLPMix    ~3.5   GA
WF4W     203     0  28     0     11,774  SOLPCW      4.5   GA
KU8E      73    54  28    23     10,200  SOLPCW      1.5   GA
K4SAV     87     0  63     0      5,481  SOHPCW      9.5   AL
N4JF       0    41   0    30      1,230  SOQRPSSB    9     AL
W4NTI      6     1   6     1         91  SOLPMix     0:35  AL

*Indicates numbers are probably not accurate due to problems with the 
logging programs.

Ops at W4AN (located at NQ4I):  NQ4I, WI4R, KF4GTA, WY4N, K4NV, KI4MTU, 

Thanks for all the support of the GQP this year.  Many top scorers are 
apparently still working on their totals.

This week's contests include:

1.  Radio City Music Hall great escape CW QRP activity.  16 escaped 
hounds to be hunted by all others.  K4BAI will be one of the target 
hounds.  Thursday 0130-0300Z (Wed night local).  40 & 80 CW.  Exchange: 
  RST, State, Name (or Dog Name), QSO # or dog tag #.  In other words, 
send a serial number and get a dog name and serial # from 1 to 16 from 
the hounds who will call CQ RCGE, I think.

2.  NCCC Sprint Ladder.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local). 
160-20 CW.  100 watt maximum.  Exchange:  Both calls, #, Name, SPC.  1 
khz QSY rule.  Dupes OK after band change or one intervening QSO.

3.  TARA Skirmish Digital Prefix Contest.  00-24Z Sat.  160-6M Digital. 
  Exchange:  Name and Prefix.

4.  Holyland DX Contest.  00-2359Z Sat.  160-10M CW/SSB.  Exchange: 
RS(T) + Serial # or 4X area.  Work 4X/4Z stations.

5.  European Spring Sprint SSB.  16-1959Z Sat.  80-20 SSB.  Exchange: 
Both Callsigns, Serial #, Name.  There is a QSY rule.

6.  Michigan QSO Party.  16Z Sat to 04Z Sun.  80-10 CW/SSB.  Exchange: 
QSO # + SPC or Mich county.  There is always good activity in this one, 
including many mobiles.

7.  Ontario QSO Party.  18Z Sat to 05Z Sun and 12-18Z Sun.  CW/Phone. 
160-2M.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or ON County.  A growing QSO Party.  The 
Contest Club Ontario is getting out a lot of activity for nearly every 

8.  YU (Yugoslav/Serbia) DX Contest.  21Z Sat to 05Z Sun.  09Z to 17Z 
Sun.  160-10M CW only.  Exchange ITU Zone (zone 08 for us).  Everyone 
can work everyone.

9.  Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) Weekend Sprint.  00-14Z Sun.  Work 
only one 4 hour continuous period.  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  Name + SPC + 
SKCC# or power.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend, better weather than last weekend, and 
a lot of QSOs.


John, K4BAI.

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