David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 27 23:59:06 EDT 2007

Leon, W5NA reports that Shelton Morgan W5DQK of Brookhaven, MS became a SK
at General Hospital in Hattiesburg, MS April 27th at 2PM CDST.

Shelton and his XYL Dena W5DRI were both great operators and Dxers in the
late 1950's and early 1960's.  Dena became a SK several years ago and was
noted in QST.

Shelton was my local (and tough) competitor in the ARRL SS.  He used a 75A3
and BW 5100 with great success.  I remember visiting them in 1959 and noting
they had a stack of Telrex 2 element beams for 10, 15, and 20.  The 20 was
so low you could almost reach reach it.   His picture graced QST several
times as national High scorer in the SS and quietly be built a resounding
DXCC total
for his day.

His son Larry AG5Z has a web page www.ag5z.com

RIP Shelton
Dave K4JRB

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