[SEDXC] Candidate for Southeastern Division Director, ARRL

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Mon Aug 27 15:13:51 EDT 2007

Hello all:  At the request of W4NTI and as a matter of information, I am 
forwarding some biographical information on W4OZK, the ARRL SM of AL, 
who is a candidate for SE Division Director of ARRL to succeed W4RH, 
Frank Butler, who is retiring.  I believe several Florida hams have also 
qualified to run for Director.

I will be glad to provide such information to ARRL members about any 
such candidates and my providing it should not be considered an 
endorsement as I do not know the candidates, but I believe the more 
information we can receive about the candidates, the better informed 
voters we will be.

73, John, K4BAI.

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