[SEDXC] Computer recycling

Jeff Carter sedxc at hidden-valley.com
Sat Dec 8 23:57:32 EST 2007

That is a good question.  At one point, this group:


was advertising that they would not only scrap your computer, but would use 
bits and pieces to make machines to give to schools and the poor.

In the fine print, I think they charge something like five bucks to take the 
machine, though.

I use machines until there's nothing left, personally.  When a CRT dies, I 
usually air the tube and discard as if it were a television set.  Any working 
hard drives, etc. go into other machines.  When they fail, they are small 
enough to throw in the kitchen garbage.

If there's a more responsible solution, and you find it, I wish you'd report 
back to the group.  No one can say this is off-topic because it's a problem 
we will all have, eventually.

Merry Christmas!

On Saturday December 8 2007 22:22, Jim Kauten, W4TE wrote:
> Does anyone have a source where you can drop off a computer and
> printer to be recycled in Atlanta?
> 73,
> Jim Kauten, MD, W4TE
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